Terry A. Joyner


Chapter President
Terry A. Joyner

Vice President
Hillary A.Fleming

Recording Secretary

Mary L. Graves  

Corresponding Secretary
Quay Watkins

Carol Morales Riggs

Financial Secretary
Lisa Stenson Desamours

CENSUS 2020 
HTTP:// or call 844-330-2020
Westchester County (NY) Chapter

President’s  Message


Welcome to The Westchester County (NY) Chapter, The Links Incorporated  Website

The Links, Incorporated is an international, not-for-profit corporation, established in 1946. The membership consists of nearly 15,000 professional women of color in 288 chapters located in 41 states, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of the Bahamas and the United Kingdom. It is one of the nation’s oldest and largest volunteer service organizations of extraordinary women who are committed to enriching, sustaining and ensuring the culture and economic survival of African Americans and other persons of African ancestry.

As we are approaching our 70th Anniversary on serving the Westchester Community through Friendship and Service, we are excited to continue the legacy of service which was started on June 10, 1950.

The Chapter fulfills its mission through programmatic efforts aligned with five areas outlined by The Links, Incorporated: The Arts, Health and Human Services, International Trends and Services, National Trends and Services and Services to Youth. Our primary focus is to enhance and enrich the quality of life in the African American community throughout Westchester County with a variety of activities and programs.

Through our Services to Youth facet, we support, The Young Achievers program which is an enrichment and mentoring program for young men. We partner with the Malik Fraternity to provide valuable workshops and opportunities which recently earned recognition and a monetary grant on the National and Eastern Area levels.

Through our National Trends and Services facet, we continue to focus on the impact of Alzheimer’s in the African American community. Monthly we partner with Wartburg and the Clay Arts Center in our “In An Art State of Mind”, which is an arts focused program for residents with Alzheimer’s. Have held Alzheimer’s symposiums’ in partnership with the local Alzheimer’s Association.

Through our International Trends and Services facet, we have continued our L.I.F.E. program at 2 local schools, which earned recognition and a monetary grant at the National Assembly & Eastern Area conference

Through The Arts and Health And Human Services facet, we expand educational opportunities and experiences for both the community and the chapter. We participated in the National Poster Arts Contest; Miss Maya Cole, New Rochelle HS was the Category 3 winner.

Through Health and Human Services facet, we focus on Breast Cancer and Healthy Heart awareness. Actively participate in the Bright Smiles, Bright Futures oral health initiative.


With sincere appreciation, The Westchester County (NY) Chapter, The Links, would like to acknowledge and thank you for your support in our endeavors as we vigorously seek to cultivate and advance the lives of others. We encourage you to become one of our partners in service.


The impact of our programmatic initiatives can be found on our website.
Visit our website often to stay abreast of our activities in service to the Westchester County (NY) community.


Terry A. Joyner



2019 Karolyn Thomas & Florence Scott Book Fair